Bayside Christian College has its own Uniform Shop on Campus and provides all items of our uniform, other than shoes. This added convenience is important to our many families who can purchase items needed before school, after school or by appointment during the day.
The Uniform Shop can be reached by phone through our Main Reception 4124 4417 or by email to uniform@bayside.qld.edu.au
Scroll down for the complete uniform price list.
Term Time Uniform Shop Opening Hours
Monday to Friday 8 am to 9 am
Tuesday 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm
Thursday 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm
Holidays by appointment only – email uniform@bayside.qld.edu.au
When uniform items and their size are known, please send an email to uniform@bayside.qld.edu.au. These items can then be gathered up for you and left at the Office. Payment can be over the phone by credit card with the uniform items then delivered to the students to take home that same day. Alternatively, the items can be left at the Office for someone to come in, pay and collect.
Ensure you note the following in your uniform request email (for each student the items are for):
- Student’s first and last name
- Student’s year level and homeroom, eg Yr 7Q, Prep T
- Item & size (for each item requested)
House Polo Shirts
We are transitioning from the current House Polo Shirt to a moisture wicking sublimated House Polo Shirt. These are only available in child sizes 4–16.
Formal Shirts and Blouses
We are currently transitioning all Years 2 to 6 boys’ formal shirts to the Years 7 to 12 style and all Years 2 to 6 girls’ formal blouses to the Years 7 to 12 to assist families when students are transitioning from Year 6 to Year 7. There will be no change to the Years 7 to 12 shirts and blouses. Years 2 to 6 students can wear either style during this transition time.
Must only wear Bayside Christian College embroidered above ankle socks.
Prep to Year 1:
- one pair of black leather fully enclosed sports shoe (worn all week).
Years 2 to 6:
- Sports Uniform – one pair of black leather fully enclosed sports shoe (can be worn all week).
- Formal Uniform – one pair of black leather formal dress style school shoe may be worn on formal uniform days (optional).
Years 7 to 12:
- Sports Uniform – one pair of black leather fully enclosed sports shoe (only on Sports or House Uniform days).
- Formal Uniform – one pair of black leather formal dress style school shoe (must be worn on Formal Uniform days).
NO complementary colour or brand logos.
NO basketball shoes, high ankle shoes or brightly coloured shoes allowed.
Acceptable Standards of Attire – College Uniform
A uniform is a distinctive set of clothes worn by people within a club, group or organisation. It symbolises belonging, unity and connectivity, and should be worn with pride and with an aim of promoting the unity that comes with such standards.
At Bayside Christian College, we are very proud of our College Uniform and see it as a wonderful representation of our community, a welcoming standard, and one that clearly states our unity and sense of connectivity. The pride we take in our appearance is a measure of our self-esteem, of our respect for others within our College, the belief and commitment we owe our College and indeed the honour we bestow upon our community as we do God’s work.
Staff are expected to dress in professional dress befitting the nature of our school, the role being undertaken, and the professional standard in which we are viewed.
Students are expected to wear their full uniform as required on the various school days and ensure that it is clean and in good repair. This is a requirement of enrolment and a basic expectation of all students. Given that the uniform is a direct connection and link to our community, students are expected to wear the uniform properly in a public setting or at College functions.
Girls’ skirts and shorts should not be rolled up at the waist and should be sufficiently long such that the hem reaches the knee.
The College sets each Wednesday as a special House day in which students wear their House Shirts to represent and support their House.