Statement of Belief
Our Statement of Belief document may be downloaded by clicking the picture or HERE.
Inspiring Christian Character
Central to the very heart and core of Bayside Christian College is the aim of developing the finest young men and women and to inspire in them Christian character. The College strives to achieve this by challenging students to develop an understanding of God’s plan for them, developing the intellectual character necessary to become passionate about the ongoing pursuit of learning; to have the skills and confidence to succeed in an increasingly complex world; and to become committed to creating positive futures for the good of all, through faith, leadership, and active service in their communities.
Bayside Christian College was founded upon four Strategic Pillars, and these fundamental principles continue to guide our College.
The first Pillar of our foundation is our belief that the College has a spiritual ministry to its students and an evangelistic outreach into the community. Our objectives are to be good stewards of the time that the Lord has given us, to minister to the children in the College, to bring each child to a personal saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, and to provide them with the fundamental truths of the faith.
‘Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…’ Matthew 28:19
The second Pillar of the foundation is our philosophy of education which is God-centred. Our aim is to develop young people who are articulate, knowledgeable and of honest and sincere character; who know and willingly serve God and who as responsible individuals are able and willing to contribute to society and the stewardship of our world and its resources.
‘For the Lord gives wisdom, and from His mouth comes knowledge and understanding.’ Proverbs 2:6
The third Pillar of the foundation is Academic Excellence. The College aims to provide our students with a broad education that not only opens doors, but provides a basis for understanding life, contributing to society and for future service. The role of an educator is truly a divine calling, and as such we are called to His service to support, develop and aid all children to the very best of our ability.
‘Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord not for men.’ Colossians 3:23
The fourth Pillar is that of high personal standards of conduct, integrity and self-accountability. We believe that the finest outcomes of education – high academic standards and personal growth stem from being true to who we are; honouring our calling; and accepting that our existence as a school comes from God’s blessing.
We honour this Blessing through our actions, our commitment, and our determination to provide the very best opportunity to every child. As such, all who call our community home, are called to this standard and purpose.
‘May integrity and uprightness protect me, because my hope, Lord is in you.’ Psalm 25:21
Our Christian Partners
Bayside Christian College does not exist on its own within the Kingdom of Christ, but rather with a number of associations and organisations who share a love for Christ, and who live in recognition that Christ is our only salvation and passage to the Father.
As Christians we strengthen each other in prayer, in worship, and in community with each other. While there are a great many beliefs that differ between Christian organisations, these are not essential to our partnership, as what we hold dear and true, that which binds us as Christians, is far more important than our meagre, insignificant differences.
We fail in the unity of the Kingdom, when we allow such minor issues or points of difference deter us in the call Christ has placed on our hearts.
Bayside Christian College is proud to be in close association with:
(Click on the logos for their websites)
Our College is a school of Queensland Baptists and is proud to support their various Ministries and Outreach. To learn more about the wonderful work of Queensland Baptists, please click on the logo to be directed to their webpage.