The Senior Years are a period of rapid change for young people, increased independence, a growing awareness of their world, and broad uncertainty as they grapple with these challenges and attempt to find the journey they wish to travel. It is a wonderful time, but one that can be fraught with temptation, distraction and choices that can have a lasting impact.

It is for these reasons it is essential that they grow and make these decisions in a caring, supportive environment, and one that is founded on Christian principles, so that they can indeed make better choices and be supported in doing so by all around them.

Never before have we needed so much from our education system. Young people are growing up in a period of unprecedented change, of such rapid increases in technology, of significant environmental challenges as a result of human activity, enormous financial challenges, and in a time of declining social values. In short, there has never been a greater need for holistic, Christ-centred education and for parents and schools to be in genuine partnership.

Show me the school a child attended, the teachers who cared for them, and the friends they made, and I will show you their future!

Our Senior School commences in Year 7 and continues through to Year 12. In these challenging adolescent years, young people need direction, much support, guidance, care, and opportunity for growth. They experience new situations, encounter new challenges, continue to explore new areas of study, but do so with a mindset of not merely acquiring new knowledge, but of developing genuine understanding, and then learning to apply these understandings to new situations. This is indeed a very mature and life-centred approach which will aid them in the years ahead.

This growth develops through a number of key phases:

Year 7 – 9:

A key period in which young people can stumble and this can damage their confidence for years to come. As such, our students need encouragement to be the best they can be. They flourish, develop confidence, learn about themselves and others in a challenging yet supportive environment. They learn to take risks in their learning and are supported in doing so, with the knowledge that we are here to guide them when necessary. This is a time of great emotional and physical change, and one in which parents and schools must work together in partnership.

Year 10 – 12

This is the path of self-discovery; a time in which they grow in their understanding of life’s purpose, develop healthy ambitions, leadership, a lasting relationship with Christ, and prepare themselves for the wonderful journey that lies ahead. Our staff aim to support every child to follow their chosen path by helping to grow their confidence, social skills, personal awareness and aid them in their understanding of Christ, so they may continue the works planned for them, and be a meaningful, contributing member of society.

We walk with you as a family, as your child makes the decisions that start them off on their journey beyond school. We mentor and support your child as a young adult, and recognise the wide range of their interests, talents and gifts – together we can forge a path for success.

While all schools are required to provide all the elements of the Australian Curriculum, it is their approach, their ability to cater for individual differences and the environment within the school that makes the difference. Simply put, not all schools are the same. Young people will never achieve their potential in an environment of disruption, low aspiration, poor behaviour, nor one of poor values or low behavioural expectations. This is where Bayside is different – we create the environment not only for exceptional learning possibilities, but for personal growth, personal development, and an awareness of sound morals, based on Christian principles to help young people make better choices.

It is the Bayside difference that will enable your child to not only thrive academically, but to grow with purpose, understanding, and with like-minded friends and families who will be there for them for life. Our school is truly the first step on a journey with Christ, a journey with meaning, a journey with genuine and lasting friendship, and one in which while they are prepared for all they will face beyond our gates, a journey in which they will never walk alone.