Friends of Bayside Christian College is a diverse group of supporters, volunteers and representatives from various stakeholder groups, who assist the College Executive in building strong and engaging relationships within the community, assist in the formation of the College’s Christian Outreach and Ministry, lead Friend-raising events and functions, and coordinate Fund-raising and Grant application activities under the guidance of the Principal/CEO.

The Friends of Bayside Christian College volunteer to support the College in a range of activities and aid in bringing together a wider range of helpers to assist when needed. They coordinate various delegated activities, provide advice to the College Executive and aid them in the growth of our Christian purpose.

The Friends of Bayside Christian College are appointed by the Principal/CEO from the following groups as given:

Parents of students at Bayside Christian College
Maximum of 4 Representatives
Staff of Bayside Christian College
Maximum of 1 Representative
Members of the broader Hervey Bay community
Maximum of 2 Representatives
Fraser Coast Baptist Church
Maximum of 2 Representatives
Hervey Bay Baptist Church
Maximum of 2 Representatives


The Committee of the Friends of Bayside Christian College exists to

  • assist the College Executive in building strong and engaging relationships within the community;
  • assist in the formation of the College’s Christian Outreach and Ministry;
  • lead and coordinate Friend-raising events and functions;
  • coordinate Fund-raising and Grant application activities under the guidance of the Principal/CEO;

The Committee do not have a decision-making authority within the College but do serve to advise the Principal/CEO on community and stakeholder matters.

Committee Formation

The Principal/CEO will call for nominations from the various stakeholder groups as needed and should multiple nominations be received, then the Principal/CEO will make a recommendation to the College Board for their consideration.

Committee members will be appointed for a maximum of 3 years but are eligible to re-nominate after their period of service has expired. At the conclusion of a Committee Member’s Term of Service the Principal/CEO will seek nominations from the representative stakeholder group for any new nominations.

The Nominated applicants from each stakeholder group, whilst coming or belonging to a particular stakeholder group do not represent that group in the Committee of the Friends of Bayside Christian College. Committee members are accepted for the sole purpose of serving the College and offering their advice and service, not to represent the views of other stakeholder groups.

Meet the Committee

Bayside Christian College is proud to announce the Committee Members of the Friends of Bayside Christian College:

  • Mr Tim Eyschen
  • Miss Joanne Milne
  • Ms Tamlyn Sloan

Should you be interested in Applying for a position on this hard-working committee, please contact Ms Shelley Bennet, EA to the Principal/CEO on for an application form.