A Message from our Principal

Dear Parents
May I take this opportunity to wish you well, to thank you for your support of the College over the last term, and to wish you some beautiful, quality time with your children. The holidays are often times when families head off on their travels. If you are fortunate enough to be travelling, please know:

You’ll travel safely, you’ll neither tire nor trip…Because God will be right there with you; he’ll keep you safe and sound. Proverbs 3: 23, 26

I pray that all families will stay safe and that you will have time for rest and for each other.

The big news from this week is the launch of the Bayside Barracudas Rugby League development program for boys and girls who are entering Year 6, 7, or 8 in 2024. This program will expand into the older years from 2025, but we are starting small for now. Students interested in joining the program should check out our Barracudas web page at https://barracudas.bayside.qld.edu.au/. I would also like to publicly acknowledge and thank both the Dolphins and the Seagulls for their support.

The end of the Term is a wonderful time to reflect on our many achievements and perhaps some of the lost opportunities, the way we have engaged with others, the lives we have enriched, and those who have enriched ours. As we all come to the end of the Term, let us be thankful for those in our life who made a positive difference to us – perhaps even send them an email to know you are thankful.

In a world of blame, hostility, and negativity, we all have the power to be a light in someone’s life, an unwavering support for them, just as we can offer the thoughtful gesture of saying thank you.

To all staff, students and parents who work so hard to contribute to our College, who work tirelessly to support others, to those who put others before self, I say thank you. I wish you all a wonderful three weeks holiday!

God Bless.