Principal’s Message

Dear Parents and Guardians,

The holidays are well and truly behind us all, and staff are working diligently in all they do. At the start of Term, one of the teachers asked me “Did you take any time off? Did you get a break?” and this got me thinking about how we re-energise ourselves.

It would seem like a false economy to work in such a manner for 10 weeks of the year, and then expect to refresh and re-energise our mind, body and spirit in 2 weeks. Yet, how many of us work this way? We keep going and going and say to ourselves, I will relax in the holidays. Perhaps as you are reading this, you may be having those very same thoughts about Christmas time? I have come to think, that this is simply not possible, and that we owe it to ourselves, and to each other to do this so much better.

How we relax and find rest will be different for everyone. Some will spend time in exercise, some in family pursuits, others reading or even enjoying a peaceful nap. Whatever it is, we need to find the time to refresh ourselves frequently, dare I say daily, and not wait for the elusive and distant holidays.

The Bible speaks plainly on these matters:

Matthew 11: 28-30: “Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Psalm 127:2: “It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep.”

Hebrews 4:9-10: “So then, there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God, for whoever has entered God’s rest has also rested from his works as God did from his.”

Our rest and peace can be found in the Word of God, and personally, I find it comforting and relaxing to read Scripture, and to try and come to a better understanding of God, in order that I may have a better relationship. This routine also allows me to escape the challenges presented by others, the difficulties in navigating societies demands and wants, and government rules and requirements, and find relaxation in the Word of God, who loves me unconditionally. God promises our souls rest, He does not want us to stress and toil all day long, and He wants us to take rest, as He did.

With all of the pressures and challenges of our work, the dynamics of families and social friendships, would we not be better in serving others, if we are better rested? Taking the time to rest, to pray, and meditate on God’s word, enjoy downtime with those we love and getting a little extra sleep, provides the energy and strength we need to approach the next day positively and energetically.

The challenge in all of this is to seek to be energised in our work; to feel uplifted at the end of the day for the good we have done, and to accept the physical and mental tiredness which may accompany such good works. This is then the motivation to continue the good we do each and every day, forever being uplifted in spirit, and allowing God to give us the rest we need.

Let us not wait for those elusive holidays to seek His rest.

Brian Grimes
Principal/ CEO


Deputy Principal’s Message

A warm welcome back to all our students and families for Term 4! This new term brings additional blessings to our Bayside community as we welcome new students, families, and dedicated staff members who will help support and strengthen our growing school.

It is my pleasure to introduce Mr Owen Whittaker, our new Head of English in the Senior School. He will lead and further develop our English Department. We also welcome Mrs Camilla Davis, who will be teaching 4Q and guiding the students in Mrs Jessica Davis’ absence during her maternity leave. Mr Roger Bust joins us to teach Chemistry, along with other subjects, in our Senior School.

We are grateful for the individuals God brings to our College. Each one brings a wealth of knowledge, gifts, strengths, and experiences to support our students and I am certain they will make a meaningful difference in the lives of many. I look forward to witnessing this in the weeks to come.

Please find a short biography for each of our new staff members below:

Mr Owen Whittaker

Mr Owen Whittaker

Head of English, Senior School

My name is Owen Whittaker and I am beyond thrilled to be joining the team here at Bayside Christian College as the new Head of English.

I was born and raised in Australia by my parents from Bristol and Blackpool, England. I grew up in a town called Picton, a little over an hour south-west of Sydney. From an early age I developed a love of reading and writing, which eventually led me to education. I decided that I wanted to be an English teacher when I was 15, and I have not looked back since. I began teaching in 2015, spending the first four years of my career in Greater Western Sydney, but soon became something of a wayfarer, traveling from place to place and school to school, learning a lot along the way.

After a few often-extended vacations up here, something has always drawn me back to Hervey Bay, whether it is the sun, the beach, or that lovely second-hand bookstore on the Esplanade. Now that it is time to settle my family and lay down some deep roots, I knew this was the place I wanted to do it. I am truly blessed to have this opportunity to be part of the Bayside team as I believe I have found a school that matches my passion for empowering life-long learners, fostering a love of English, and building strong Christian Character. I can’t wait to get started!

Since I wouldn’t be much of an English teacher if I didn’t sneak a little Shakespeare in, I will end with a quote:

“I can no other answer make but thanks, And thanks, and ever thanks.”

Mr Roger Bust

Mr Roger Bust

Science Teacher, Senior School

Hello all! My name is Roger Bust, and I am so excited and thankful to be able to join the Bayside Community. I am a Queenslander who has served the students of Queensland and Northern Territory for around two decades. Additionally, I have taught students in China, that is, locals, overseas Chinese, expatriates and Korean students. Ten years ago, I taught Chemistry for a semester in Indonesia. When I first arrived in China, I met and married Amy. Our daughter, Mary, has just become a Pharmacist. My son is a local Tiler tradesman.

I am teaching Chemistry and Science, along with the electives of STEAM and Engineering.

I fully support Bayside’s ethos which fosters Christian character, integrity, and excellence in academic, sporting, and cultural endeavours. I believe in recognising each student’s unique gifts, talents, strengths, and weaknesses to positively impact their academic, social, and emotional growth.

I look forward to getting to know all our wonderful students, staff and school families.

Mrs Camilla Davis

Mrs Camilla Davis

Teacher 4Q

“The future of the world is in my classroom” is my favourite motto when I think about my role in students’ lives. I hope to support students to not only make progress academically but also develop confidence, resilience, and sense of belonging to become lifelong learners and global citizens. My qualification includes a Masters degree in Primary Education with a background in theatre and human resource management. I have also been a learn to swim teacher and gymnastics instructor.

In Term 4, I look forward to continuing the wonderful work of Jessica Davis while getting to know your children and creating a supportive and inspiring classroom community. I am excited to get to know each of the students as we learn and grow together!

Medieval Day

On the last day of Term 3, we celebrated our annual Medieval Day, and it was fantastic to see so many staff and students putting in the effort to dress up and join in the festivities. A huge thank you goes out to our dedicated staff for their hard work in organising the day — from setting up the grounds and planning engaging activities to cooking delicious food. All this effort brought so much joy to our students, and it truly showed in their smiles. I am already looking forward to next year’s event!

Year 12 Formal

Our Year 12 students looked wonderful on their Formal evening. While some were a bit reluctant to hit the dance floor, they enjoyed a lovely dinner with their friends. We are now looking forward to celebrating their upcoming graduation and Valedictory Dinner, marking this important milestone in their journey.

Check out all the Year 12 Formal photos here:

Bright Bayside Preps!

Our Prep students recently visited Mr Grimes and I to proudly showcase their impressive progress in writing. It was incredible to see how far they have come from Term One to Term Three! These young learners have been working tremendously hard, growing in confidence as they adjust to the school environment, build their independence, and make academic gains. We are incredibly proud of each one of them and would like to commend the Prep teachers for their patience, love, and understanding as they guide our students through their first year of school.

Masterplan Launch

Our Masterplan Launch will be held at Hervey Bay Baptist Church on Thursday 10th October, at 7pm. This event is a milestone in the life of our College, as the College Board formally announces the future direction of our community. This special gathering will mark the official release of the College’s Masterplan, showcasing the detailed plans we have developed for upcoming capital works. It is a truly momentous occasion in our history, and we would be delighted to share this evening with you. We strongly encourage you to attend so you can experience firsthand the exciting opportunities and Vision that have been laid out for our community’s future.

Annual Awards Ceremony

Our Annual Awards Night is approaching soon — a very important occasion to celebrate the achievements of all our students. I have sent an email to our families with all the necessary information. Please refer to the image below for the dates of our 7-12 Annual Awards Night, as well as our Prep-3 and Year 4-6 Awards Nights. Mark your calendars and get ready for a wonderful opportunity to applaud the hard work and dedication of our students.

Bayside Ladies Brunch

I am pleased to host an exciting event for the wonderful women of Bayside. We cannot let Mr Brian Grimes have all the fun hosting his Men’s Breakfasts; it is now my turn to host and welcome the fabulous females of Bayside. Sorry, Gentlemen!

I am delighted to invite all our mums, nans, aunties, and special female friends to join us for our very first “Bayside Ladies Brunch” on Saturday 2 November 2024, from 9am to 11am, right here at the College.

This brunch is a special opportunity to come together as women, mothers, and friends to relax, share, and support one another. It is a time uplift and encourage each other, creating a strong and caring community that reflects our shared connection to Bayside Christian College. Most importantly, we are here to bond as sisters in Christ, united by both our faith and the love we have for our children, who are at the heart of what brings us together.

I look forward to welcoming you all on this special day, where we can enjoy each other’s company and strengthen the bonds that make our community so special.

If you would like to join us, please click on the link below and register.

Romans 15:5-6 “Now the God of perseverance and of encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus, that with one accord you may with one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Apostle Paul reminds us of his aspiration that the believers in Rome receive from God the same perseverance and encouragement that Jesus displayed during His ministry. The purpose of this unity among believers is to honour God with “one mind, one voice” — encouraging a harmony that embraces everyone’s differences and reflects the community’s united purpose in glorifying God.

May this fortnight inspire us to embrace one another’s differences and work together in harmony, reflecting Christ’s love and grace. May we serve God with one mind and one voice and continue to strengthen our Bayside community together.

God bless.

Edelle Broadhurst
Deputy Principal

Day for Daniel — Tuesday 22 October

We are participating in Day for Daniel and is the Daniel Morcombe Foundation’s biggest fundraiser each year. Bayside Christian College hosts the Day for Daniel Event with the overarching purpose of fostering a safer and more aware community for its students and the community. This event serves as a platform to educate students, parents, and the community about child safety, abduction prevention, and the importance of maintaining open lines of communication within families.

By organising the Day for Daniel Event, the college aims to empower individuals with knowledge and resources to protect children, raise awareness about the issue of child safety, and ultimately contribute to creating a more secure and vigilant environment for all children.

Supporting the Day for Daniel Foundation through fundraising helps to continue developing free resources and programs for parents, carers, and educators to teach children how to stay safe. Funds also contribute to supporting young victims of crime.

Students (K – 12) and staff are encouraged to wear red to remember Daniel on the day. Red is the colour that represents child safety for the Daniel Morcombe Foundation. Each child will receive a red balloon to hang on the fence facing Urraween Drive to show our support.

A gold coin donation to support the Daniel Morcombe Foundation will be collected by class teachers and Homeroom teachers.

Welcome to Term 4!

It was wonderful to welcome back our students last week and to greet the new faces who joined our Bayside community. Each new term brings a fresh opportunity to grow, learn and connect and I hope this term will be full of blessings for all of you.

As we settle into this final term of the year, I would like to highlight the value of regular attendance. Being present every day gives students the best chance to engage with their learning, stay connected with their peers, and make the most of their school experience.

Attending school consistently helps students maintain important routines and habits, contributing to their academic progress and social development. It also fosters a sense of belonging, helping students feel part of the Bayside community, where they can build friendships, grow in confidence, and support one another. Every day at school is an opportunity to strengthen these connections and continue developing important life skills.

We understand that sometimes absences are unavoidable due to illness or other commitments. If you have a planned absence of five or more consecutive days, please collect an application form from the office to apply for leave during the term. This will help us work together to ensure that students don’t miss out on key learning experiences and can stay on track.

Term 4 is an exciting time as we prepare for the end of the school year. I encourage all students to stay focused and make the most of every learning opportunity. To our Year 12 students, I especially encourage you to keep your sights set on the finish line. Approach these next few weeks with purpose and determination so that, when you look back, you can be proud knowing you gave it your best effort.

Emily Taylor
Senior School Coordinator

Spinnaker Extension Program: Students Shine at 2024 STAQ Queensland Science Contest

Our Spinnaker Extension program continues to provide academically gifted students with the opportunity to explore their full potential and engage in enriching, challenging activities. Over the past three months, our Senior Spinnaker students have been hard at work preparing for the 2024 STAQ Queensland Science Contest, an event designed to push their scientific thinking and innovation to new heights.

This year, students investigated a variety of STEM projects, producing creative and insightful entries:

  • Year 11 students Ryan Collings, Caleb Hill, Jack Mitchell, and Dyshart Morgan explored different endothermic reactions to determine the most effective options for instant cold packs.
  • Year 10 students Ruby Burge and Chloe Mills created an interactive math game for Year 7 students, combining learning with fun.
  • Year 7 students Dylan Mitchell and Abhijoy Sengupta conducted an experiment to analyse the impact of temperature on the rate of chemical reactions, using the classic Coke and Mentos experiment as their model.
  • Year 7 students Jarel Carney, Lucas Mills, and Jeshua Thompson designed an app called Lemonade Stand Empire, aimed at teaching younger students economics and future planning through an engaging, user-friendly experience.

The students demonstrated outstanding creativity and scientific inquiry through their entries, and we are proud of their efforts. Their work reflects the heart of the Spinnaker program, helping students unlock their God-given talents and strive for excellence in all they do.


The Year 9/10 Auslan Elective class prepared five rotations of Auslan-based games. These games (Animal Bingo, Hedbanz, Twister, Three Cubes, and Uno) reinforced the signs for numbers, colours, and animals. To build interschool relationships, the students conducted the rotations with two of our junior classes — Year 3Q and Year 4Q. Pictured are Year 4Q students enjoying the rotations, and Year 9/10 Auslan Elective students experiencing being the ‘teachers’. During our debrief afterwards, junior students voted Twister as their favourite game, and Year 9/10 students said they gained a new appreciation of teachers, and the skill it takes to manage students!

Kirstene Wallace
Auslan Teacher

From the Art Room

Another an exciting term ahead for all year levels! Each class has a unique focus that will surely inspire creativity and exploration in art.

Year 1 and 2’s journey into the elements of art will lay a solid foundation for their artistic skills, encouraging them to express themselves in innovative ways. Meanwhile, Year 3 and 4’s examination of artworks from different eras and cultures will broaden their understanding of art history and diversity.

Year 5’s focus on organizing space within compositions will help students think critically about design and layout, enhancing their ability to create visually impactful works. In Year 7 and 8, exploring representations of specific subjects and honing techniques will provide deeper insight into artistic expression and personal style.

Finally, the beginner pottery unit in Year 9 and 10 is a fantastic hands-on experience that will introduce students to the world of ceramics and the intricate processes involved in kiln firing.

With such a rich variety of themes and techniques being explored, a showcase of the students’ talent will certainly highlight their hard work and creativity. It’s a wonderful opportunity for everyone to celebrate their artistic journeys!

Dino-Mite Book Fair

A Dino-Mite Book Fair is coming to Bayside in week 3 of term 4. Books, stationery and posters will all be for sale at the next book fair so save the following dates to your calendar to avoid missing out on all the Roarsome fun.

The Dino-Mite book fair will be held Monday 14th, Tuesday 15th, Wednesday the 16th and Thursday 17th of October. Parents and Students can come to the library before school 8:00-8:30am or after school 3:00-4:00pm to make their purchases. Students are also able to come and make a purchase during their lunch breaks. Please note that on Thursday 17th of October the book fair will only be open before school 8:00-8:30am. If you are unable to come into the library to visit the Book Fair, parents are also able to pay for items from book fair online. Students will come home with a Book Fair Wishlist in week 2 when they have had a browse through the fair and all the details for online payments are on the Wishlist form.

Book Fairs are a great way to grow your home library collection or grab some great early Christmas gift ideas and stocking stuffers all at a bargain price. All the sales from book fair give the school Scholastic rewards points that we can use to purchase new books for the library. Hope to see you there in week 3! Reading is Roarsome!

Mrs Magrin

What’s Happening in 2Q and 2T

In Year 2, students are exploring the importance of healthy eating, learning about the different food groups, balanced meals, and how nutritious choices fuel their bodies for learning and play. They are engaging in fun activities such as creating food pyramids and identifying healthy snacks, which helps them understand the role of food in maintaining energy and overall health. Alongside this, Year 2 have started practicing mindfulness through drawing and colouring. This creative mindfulness exercise allows students to calm their minds, focus their thoughts, and express themselves artistically. This helps improve their concentration, and promotes emotional well-being, setting a peaceful tone for the rest of the day.

5T and 5Q’s Exciting Excursion to the Gympie Gold Museum

On Wednesday, the 11th of September, students from 5T and 5Q embarked on an exciting journey to the Gympie Gold Museum. This educational excursion provided a wonderful opportunity for the students to delve into the fascinating history of the Australian Gold Rush and its significant impact on colonisation.

Upon arrival, the students were eager to explore what life was like during the Gold Rush. They had the chance to view an impressive array of artefacts belonging to James Nash, a key figure in Gympie’s Gold Rush history. The visit included a tour of an old schoolhouse, where students were surprised to discover the strict rules that governed education in those days.

The experience didn’t stop there! The students had a hands-on encounter as they climbed onto old horse sulkies and even boarded a vintage fire truck. They explored an authentic old mine, gaining insight into the methods of mining used throughout history and how they have evolved over time.

The highlight of the day was undoubtedly the opportunity to pan for gold. With eager hands, some students were fortunate enough to find tiny flecks that may or may not have been fool’s gold, adding an element of excitement and discovery to the day.

Overall, the excursion to the Gympie Gold Museum was a memorable experience for all students involved. It sparked curiosity and a deeper appreciation for Australia’s rich history, and many expressed a desire to return for another visit in the near future.

Chappy Corner Chats

Ants, Anti-freeze and Adoration

Greetings to everyone and I hope this letter finds you well and in good spirits. I just wanted to encourage us to dwell upon what a wonderful God we serve and how almighty He is.

Some years ago, there was an article which highlighted some interesting observations concerning black carpenter ants.

These little insects have been equipped by God with the ability to install “anti-freeze” in their bodies to preserve their lives during the cold months of the year.

A Biochemist from the university of Minnesota, mentioned that they actually manufacture Glycerol, a chemical that closely resembles the substance installed in cars to prevent car engines from cold blasts of winter.

Since the active summer larvae of these creatures do not contain this ingredient, the biochemist named Fred Smith reasoned that they must have a mechanism which reacts to cold to produce this protective substance.

Hibernating black carpenter ants proved to have as much as 10 percent of this antifreeze in their bodies. But when they gradually warmed up it all disappeared.

This must have been a sudden process of creation otherwise the first colony of ants would have frozen to death.

As we delve into the intricate and marvellous designs in nature, which we believe have been masterminded by our creator God we say with the psalmist in the bible.

O Lord how manifold are your works. In wisdom you have made them all.

Therefore Ants, Anti-freeze and Adoration are all interrelated in Gods design. And we realise that we can entrust ourselves into the hands of our almighty creator who is wise beyond measure.

God bless,
Chappy Karl

Please support the Barracudas by buying a flag and coming to the games!

Flags available to purchase at the school uniform shop.

The Bayside Barracudas thank their Platinum Sponsor

Simply Real Estate logo

Bayside Believers Dressed for the Occasion!

This week, our Bayside Believers received their cheer jerseys. They will be wearing these as part of their school uniform on their training days. We are excited to see our Cheer Squad perform their routine on stage at the annual award ceremonies in November.

We would also like to extend a warm welcome to Del Woodman. She has joined the Believers as a coach and has a great deal of experience in the cheer and dance world.

Sharleen Sneath
Cheer Coach / Head of Enrolments

Australian Air League — Hervey Bay Squadron

Since 1934 the Australian Air League has been teaching young girls and boys all about aviation, while helping them to develop important life skills such as leadership, discipline, self-confidence, and teamwork. They make new friends and take part in fun and exciting activities, on the ground and in the air!

Our Hervey Bay Squadron first opened in 1990 and meets each Tuesday night (school holidays excluded) at the Hervey Bay airport at the Rosemarie McCormack Memorial Hall, Don Adams Drive, URANGAN QLD 4655 between 6 pm and 8 pm.

Australian Air League Squadrons meet weekly, and members learn skills and take part in fun and interesting activities. There are also weekend camps, ceremonial drill, training courses as well as the opportunity to go flying. Through classes and practical demonstration members learn the theory of aviation and a wide range of associated topics such as Meteorology, Navigation, and Aero Engines, as well as general interest subjects such as photography, field craft and community service.

We welcome boys and girls from the age of 8 years old from many different backgrounds and cultures.  The Australian Air League is family friendly too. Parents and families are welcome to help support their local Squadron, or even join as a volunteer themselves! We offer training to those adults who wish to help with the organising and managing of activities benefiting our younger members.

The League has a zero tolerance to child abuse and harm and accordingly has practices and measures in place to keep our members, their families, and the community, healthy and safe. All adult members and volunteers providing services, are Blue Card Services checked and are involved in Child Safety training packages as part of their membership obligations.

Running a strong program that is both fun and educational, the Australian Air League is making fine citizens out of young Australians.

More information is available at our website at and we can be contacted at

p: 1800 502 175

(This activity is not endorsed by Bayside Christian College but rather included here as a community announcement. Participation suitability is therefore the responsibility of parents.)

Yoga Program

Yoga programs start Tuesday the 15th October for tweens (9-12) and teens (13-17) with low self-esteem issues, who are struggling with bullying, or those who just feel like they want to feel like they belong.

Kids Coaching classes are held after school and will be a gentle blend of yoga, breathing exercises, goal setting and reflection.

Classes will be kept small ensuring each child gets plenty of attention. Enrolments open now.

Amy Klupp
Rise & Shine Kids Coaching

(This activity is not endorsed by Bayside Christian College but rather included here as a community announcement. Participation suitability is therefore the responsibility of parents.)