Welcome Back to Term 3!

This week I was talking to a delightful man about the culture of faith that exists within school communities, and he reminded me to look at Romans 12, which is indeed a wonderful roadmap for how we are called to live our life. To this end, I thought it would be timely to reflect on this Chapter and will do so over the coming weeks.

When watching the news or listening to current affairs broadcasts or reading commentary on social media, I am often very disappointed to see how so many people take a stance that their needs are greater than everyone else; that they are busier than everyone else or more worrying, they are more important than anyone else. A 10-minute drive around town makes these last two concerns highly evident.

There are often things we often do not know, and there comes a time at which we need to trust in others. To do what is right for an organisation or community, we sometimes have to accept there is an impact on us as individuals, BUT there is a bigger picture, and our role is to help make this happen. Instead of seeing the possibilities, we shrink our world view to just that of ourselves and only see what we must do, as opposed to how we can be a part of great change. I think these different perceptions stem from whether we see ourselves as more important that the whole or not.

Christ taught us to walk humbly when he said, “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.” Sadly, much of society are so focussed on ‘their wants’ and ‘rights’ that they have completely missed that to walk humbly means putting others before ourselves.

As we approach another school Term, may we all walk with humility, and be far more focussed on what we can do to help others, to ponder how we benefit the community, how we can contribute to the Kingdom, and be far less motivated on what we need. The Bible tells us in Luke 12: 24:

Consider the ravens: they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds!

And Matthew 6: 31-32:

Therefore, do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all.

The Lord will provide for us all and so let us all put away selfish desires and lower the importance we place on ourselves and focus on how we can better contribute to God’s Kingdom.

May you have a wonderful Term 3, and may it be one in which we all look at how we approach what we do and say at home, in the workplace, and in the broader community, and ask ourselves am I contributing to God’s Kingdom or damaging it. The more we focus on others and indeed the movement of Christians, the stronger we are aligned to God’s purpose.

Welcome back to Term 3!

Brian Grimes
Principal/ CEO

Barracudas Banner

Barracudas, Seagulls and Dolphins – run together!

Bayside Christian College is pleased to announce the launch of their specialist Rugby League program, the Bayside Barracudas. In a landmark sponsorship, Bayside Christian College will partner with the Fraser Coast’s Hervey Bay Seagulls Rugby League Club and the mighty NRL Dolphins in the development of a new and unique pathway for boys and girls interested in playing Rugby League at representative levels.

The Bayside Barracudas Rugby League Development Program will be unlike anything offered on the Fraser Coast. Students will not only have access to a state-of-the-art Strength and Conditioning Centre, co-designed with the Dolphins, but will study sports nutrition, sports psychology, and receive additional academic mentoring and support. Students accepted into the program will also have the opportunity to gain coaching and referee qualifications and will be coached by the region’s two foremost leading coaches, Brett Carter (current A Grade Coach for the Hervey Bay Seagulls) and Michael Bennett.

The partnership with the Dolphins will bring many benefits including an opportunity for expert instruction from the Coaching staff and the player roster of the Dolphins, an opportunity to visit and train on their home-ground, and an opportunity for the Dolphins to train and use the new Strength and Conditioning Centre to be developed by the College.

Representatives from the region’s leading Rugby League Club, the Seagulls, have indicated their excitement at partnering with Bayside Christian College and the Bayside Barracudas. This partnership now aligns the leading Rugby League Club with the region’s latest high-profile sporting program, enabling a genuine feeder program into both organisations, and reciprocal training opportunities.

These exclusive partnerships are set to bring forth many new opportunities for students seeking to play Rugby League at either a representative level or those who have dreams of playing for the mighty Maroons.

Places in the Bayside Barracudas Program are limited and with the program offering full bursaries for college tuition at Bayside Christian College, these will be highly sought after. Boys and girls moving into Year 6, 7, or 8 in 2024 are now welcome to apply for this leading program.

For further information and to apply, visit the Barracudas website.

Aikido Green Belt

Congratulations must go to Charlie McCarter for achieving his Green Belt in Aikido over the weekend. That’s a great achievement. Looking forward to your next belt.

Charlie McCarter

Hervey Bay Athletics Club

Secondary Athletics Carnival

On Friday, June 16th, students in years 7-12 gathered at the Hervey Bay Athletics Fields for our highly anticipated annual Athletics Carnival. The event was a true showcase of sportsmanship, as students from different houses competed with great enthusiasm and positivity. We witnessed remarkable performances throughout the day, with numerous records being broken across various events. Students showcased their individual talents, contributing to their house points and fostering a strong sense of camaraderie and healthy competition.

One of the highlights of the day was the Cheer Competition, which demonstrated the spirited nature of each house. Johnson House emerged as the clear winner, impressing everyone with their fabulous and boisterous cheer. This spirited display added an extra layer of excitement and celebration to the event.

We were fortunate to have the support of the Hervey Bay Athletics Club, which provided us with electronic timing gates for the running events. This ensured accurate timing for all heats and races, instilling complete trust in the results among students and parents. The precise and reliable timing data added a level of professionalism to the carnival, enhancing the overall experience for everyone involved.

Thank you to all the students who participated in the Athletics Carnival, making it a memorable and enjoyable day for everyone. We express our gratitude to the dedicated staff members who worked tirelessly to ensure the smooth execution of the event. A special appreciation goes to Neil Ensbey for his expertise and assistance with the electronic timing gates, as well as for hosting the Discus event. Congratulations to all the age champions and runners-up, whose exceptional performances earned them well-deserved recognition. Lastly, we congratulate the students who were selected to represent our school at the upcoming district athletics carnival on August 1st and 2nd, and we have provided detailed information to their parents regarding the event.

13yrs Girls
13yrs Boys
14yrs Girls
14yrs Boys
15yrs Girls
15yrs Boys
16yrs Girls
16yrs Boys
17yrs Girls
17yrs Boys
18yrs Girls
18yrs Boys
Lilly Sloan
Brock Wicks
Lilly Peaker
Cale Sneath
Ruby Burge
Rory Sloan
Aurora Ryan-Dyer
Jack Mitchell
Narrah Murphy
Noah Corfe-Keller
Jessie Etherington
Storme Ludke
Elizabeth Firouzfar
Landon Burke
Violet Atkinson
Dominic Borg
Macy Keen
Fletcher Cox
Ava Atkinson
Cohen Willis
Charlotte Knight
Tobey Pehi
Jazlyn Deller
Rhys Etherington

Hervey Bay OzTag

OzTag Results

Bayside Students Represent Australia in Robotics Competition in America!


The competition was held in Dallas Texas, Jacob and his teammate David won last year’s Australian Championships held in Sydney last December whilst he was still attending Merrimac State High School on the Gold Coast.  They have to build their own robot and its taken to the pit area prior to competition where the organisers check over the robot to ensure it meets the standards set.

See video:


They have 30 seconds using the controller then must switch with it lasting 60 seconds. They would have up to 8 competitions per day over a 3 day tournament.

Bumper sticker promo logo

Bumper Sticker Winner!

Congratulations to our bumper sticker winner, Shay, seen by one of our spotters. The college will be in contact with you to present your prize of two $50 vouchers for Enzo’s!

To be in the running for this fabulous prize, grab a sticker from admin, stick it on your vehicle – and you may be the next winner!