Beyond the Heart

There are times at which there are issues of such significance in our world that we need to talk about them, ones we need to raise, even if they are controversial.

This series of Articles “Beyond the Heart” are designed for such a purpose. They will take some of the current social issues, those affecting our community,  those affecting us as Australians, as Christians,  and offer a range of thoughts and opinions. Sometimes potentially controversial, but only ever intended to create personal reflection and respectful dialogue.

These articles will be written by numerous people, some from our College and some from beyond, and the thoughts and opinions expressed will be their own. The articles will, however, be read and approved by an editorial team, to provide some checks and balances in the quality and substance of the document.

Hopefully you will find something of value in these articles, and I pray that you will find some to be suitable conversation pieces at home or with friends.

With this said, let us begin a journey …