Principal’s Message

Battles and Blessings

A number of years ago, I heard a speaker talk at the Perth Cathedral, talk about the Christian life as both a “battle and a blessing”. I remember the speech vividly, as he seemed to repeat the words “battle and blessing”, “battle and blessing”, “battle and blessing” over and over. On a side note, it is interesting how we remember what is said to us, and the impact of their words, but sometimes not the person who spoke them!

The point he was making through the repetition, was that when we are experiencing difficulty and, in the battle, it is hard to believe it will come to an end, and yet when we are being blessed, we somehow expect it will never end. In many respects, our lives are a cycle of battles and blessings, and in many ways, in any given moment, there is usually a blessing and a battle. Sometimes one does overshine the other, but they often exist together.

The Book of Proverbs states “These are the wise sayings …” written down so we can learn how to live well and right. In many respects it is a manual for life, helping us discern right from wrong, to learn about what is right and fair, and it provides practical wisdom for us all. The writings help us develop greater wisdom and discipline – two things that only stem from a lifetime of experience and practice.

We will face many “battles and blessing” and the challenge is in navigating these moments so that what we do today we will reflect on with happiness tomorrow. Wisdom starts with a true reverence and love for God – ‘the beginning of knowledge’ and for not leaning on our own understanding, but in all, trust and submit ourselves to God.

We are not alone in our temptations and our battles. After a period of fasting, Christ was challenged and tempted by Satan, but in all, Christ put His trust in His Father and resisted all temptation. These temptations were the gaining of endless wealth, to test God’s love, and to achieve power, all by accepting the will of Satan. These ‘gifts’ are hollow and only serve but to take us away from God’s love.

There are a great many things that we can buy or attain, but so often they leave us feeling hollow afterwards. We may love that new, shiny car, but the shine wears off, scratches appear and what was new is short-lived. How many ‘must-haves’ have we bought that are now beautifully stored in boxes or collecting dust in a cupboard?  In fact, the only ever-lasting gift we can be given is truly God’s love – nothing will tear Him away from us.

Life is not just a matter of defensively fending off the battles, but in each, to learn from them. In each there is an opportunity to draw closer to God, and in all of the battles, an opportunity to recount the wonderful blessings we have been given. Perhaps, if we focus a little more on our blessings, the battles will not seem as daunting, as we know we are not alone in them.

I wish you a wonderful week ahead, and trust the battles we will face will bring to life the many blessings we have all been given.

Brian Grimes

Deputy Principal’s Message

Warm greetings to all our Bayside families and friends. It was wonderful to see many of you at our Family BBQ and Sports Day last week. I was fortunate to witness some of our current Bayside parents warmly welcoming new families, taking the time to introduce themselves and making them feel part of the community we are so blessed to have at Bayside. We hope that many of you found this event not only enjoyable but also an opportunity to connect with other families, perhaps ones you had not met before, as we share in our journey together to build our community and partnerships.

It was a great example for our students to see the unity between their parents, families, teachers, and staff at Bayside, all coming together. This partnership and strengthened community are what we strive to grow at Bayside, as we all need to work together with respect and understanding to support our children for the best outcomes. Events like our Family BBQ and Sports Day are made possible through the hard work and dedication of our staff. We are truly blessed to have each of them, selflessly committing their time for the enjoyment of the community, all due to their genuine love for the students and our College. For this, we are very grateful and hope we can all appreciate their dedication and kind hearts for all they do for our College.


Bayside Barracudas vs Victory College (Steve Renouf Cup)

It was truly wonderful to watch our youngest Barracudas compete in the Steve Renouf Cup against Victory College last week. While the result — a 30-10 win for our side — was worth celebrating, the most memorable moment was witnessing the humble hearts of our Barracudas. They formed a tunnel for the opposing team to run through, cheering them on and welcoming them onto the Hervey Bay field. These are the moments we cherish the most. We are very proud of our Barracudas, not only for their excellent play but also for their sportsmanship and support for both their teammates and the opposing team. God is working through our coaches, Mr Brett Carter and Mr Michael Bennett, to guide and care for these young men and women as they become the best versions of themselves, both on and off the field.

There are more photos further down in the newsletter.

1 Peter 4:10: “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

May we always be reminded that our abilities, talents and skills are gifts from the Lord, meant to uplift one another. May God grant us the humility to shift our focus to a selfless mindset, recognising that our ultimate service is to Him, the source of all the blessings we receive. May we be grateful for how God has equipped each of us to reflect His love and use our gifts to serve others with kindness and love. May we be mindful of the needs in the community around us and be quick to respond with love and compassion, following His will for us all.

Have a wonderful fortnight. May God continue to strengthen our community and may He continue to bless you and your families abundantly.

Edelle Broadhurst
Deputy Principal

5-9 year old Athletics Carnival

Monday, Week 9 of last term saw all the Kindy — 9yr olds make their way to the Bayside oval, keen for a day full of fun and enjoyment. It was great to see the Kindy slot into rotations and have an amazing day. Everyone was excited to show off their athletic skills that they had acquired and learnt throughout the term. The day was a great success, and one that the students, staff and parents as a whole thoroughly enjoyed. There were many displays of sportsmanship and determination and it was awesome seeing everyone wanting to do their best. We even had the Mascots join us to socialise with everyone and they even ran a 60m race. Congratulations must also go to the parents who raced on the day as well.


10-12 year old Athletics Carnival

Friday Week 8 last term saw the 10—12yr olds travel to the Dundowran Athletics track to compete against each other in a fun and friendly competition. The day was a great success and it was awesome to see everyone trying their best and doing so well. It was a long day for all, but credit must go to everyone for pushing through and having a great time. Congratulations to the following for their super achievements and to all who made the Bayside team who is competing in the Hervey Bay District Athletics Carnival later this term.

10yr Girls Age Champion
Runner Up – Mia Merritt
Age Champion – Imogen Derbyshire

10yr Boys Age Champion
Runner Up – Aaron Cummins
Age Champion -–Jax Glassick

11yr Girls Age Champion
Runner Up – Rahni Heremia-Green
Age Champion – Alira Mahoney

11yr Boys Age Champion
Runner Up – Antonio Firouzfar
Age Champion – Judah Friesen

12yr Girls Age Champion
Runner Up – Anika Webster
Age Champion – Sophie France

12yr Boys Age Champion
Runner Up – Zac Reithmuller
Age Champion – Dylan Mitchell


Hervey Bay Districts Carnival

Congratulations must go to the thirty-seven 10-12yr old students who participated in the Hervey Bay Districts Carnival last week. It was a very tough competition with all doing their very best. A further congratulations to Matthew Collings, Dylan Mitchell, Sophie France, Antonio Firouzfar, Nevaeh Trease and Aaylah White for making the Wide Bay team. Good luck to you guys and Bayside’s support will be with you.

News from the Library

This term in the library we are exploring all the books that have been nominated by the Children’s Book Council of Australia to win book of the year. We look at 4 different categories: The Eve Pownall Award – which are non-fiction books, Younger readers – which are chapters books for students who are 8–12, Picture books and Early Childhood picture books. Students vote for their favourite books as we try and predict who will take out the coveted book of the year title in each category. We can’t wait to hear the winners in week 7 which will be Book Week.

We have also been enjoying participating in activities centred around the nominated books. In week 2 students in Prep to Year 2 read the Early Childhood books Gymnastica Fantastic and The Concrete Garden. They then participated in gymnastic ribbon twirling and created their own concrete garden with chalk at the front of the library.


This term, students from Years 3–9 have been learning signs from the categories of ‘education’, ‘in the classroom’, ‘weather’, and ‘in the community’. Students in Year 3 enjoyed an opportunity to be a leader to run an activity using felt weather signs. We have also been revising and doing in-depth practising of ‘number’ signs. Students have practised their receptive skills doing numbers Blookets, and have practised their productive skills doing games such as Follow the Leader, and making multi-digit signed numbers with laminated number charts in groups.

You can support your child in studying for their Auslan exam coming up very soon, by going through the Auslan OneNote with them. All students from Years 4 to 10 have access to the Auslan OneNote, and are expected to catch-up any missed classes, using the weekly documents and videos on the OneNote.

Exploring Auslan: A Joyful Journey

It is truly heartwarming to witness the enthusiasm and curiosity of our Junior School students as they dive into the world of Auslan during their lessons. Their excited faces light up whenever an Auslan lesson begins. Our dedicated teachers, Mrs. A. Mulder and K. Wallace share this enthusiasm, making each lesson an engaging and enriching experience for all.

In Term 3, students from Prep to Year 2 are learning the basics of Auslan, learning about important themes such as their homes, playgrounds, and the deaf community. This foundational knowledge not only helps them understand their immediate environment but also makes them appreciate the diverse ways Auslan is used.

Songs play a significant role in learning Auslan, enhancing the connection between signs and their meanings. Our little ones love singing the Rainbow Song and listening to Auslan stories from the Sydney Library. These musical elements help reinforce their understanding and make the learning process both fun and memorable.

Meanwhile, students in the higher grades are building on their skills by translating high-frequency signs, words, and expressions from simple texts. They are also exploring the variation in Auslan, such as recognising dialects and differences in signing space. This aspect of their learning is particularly fascinating as it introduces them to Auslan’s regional diversity.

One notable achievement for many students is their ability to write down words and phrases they have encountered in Auslan. This skill not only reinforces their learning but also empowers them to document and share their newfound knowledge. Additionally, our students are developing an understanding of the Northern and Southern dialects of Auslan. By following Auslan Online directions, they are learning to recognise and adapt to these dialectal differences, enhancing their overall comprehension and communication skills.

For our senior Auslan students, we have made significant updates to our resources. All documents from Auslan classes are now available on our OneNote platform, allowing students to study and practice at home. This resource will be invaluable as they continue to develop their skills and deepen their understanding of Auslan.

We’re incredibly proud of the progress our students are making and look forward to seeing their continued growth and enthusiasm in their Auslan journey. The excitement and joy that their teachers bring to their teaching are truly inspiring, and it is wonderful to see how this is reflected in the students’ eager participation and learning. Auslan is alive and very much appreciated in our school, and we are thrilled to be part of this vibrant and meaningful educational experience.

Ms. Amanda Mulder

Welcome Back to Term 3 in Science!

Welcome back to another exciting term in Science! Here’s a glimpse of what’s happening in our classrooms:

Year 7 Science: Earth and Space

Our Year 7 students have embarked on an incredible journey through Earth and Space. They have been exploring space through NASA and getting a glimpse into what life would be like to live in space. The students have explored how the Earth works, by exploring the seasons, tides, the varies moons in outer space and were able to create the different moon phases using Oreo’s. This term, their assessment involves choosing a space-related topic that captivates their interest and creating an informative poster. The best posters will be proudly displayed in our Science Laboratory, showcasing their creativity and knowledge.

Year 8 Science: Physics

Year 8 students are diving into the fascinating world of Physics, exploring various forms of energy. Recently, they had a blast making flic-flacs, which helped them investigate the transformation of elastic potential energy to kinetic energy. Their enthusiasm and curiosity are truly inspiring!

Year 9 and 10 Science: Chemistry

Our Year 9 and 10 students are delving into Chemistry this term, focusing on chemical compounds and reactions. They’ve been thoroughly enjoying the hands-on practical activities, which have brought their learning to life. Their investigative skills are sharpening, and they’re developing a deeper understanding of the subject. The students have been using the periodic table to learn about molecules, compounds and different types of chemical and physical reactions. Students have been learning to create chemical equations and what will happen when adding the different elements together. During a practical lesson, students got to participate in 8 different experiments, differentiating between a chemical or physical change. 

Year 9/10 Forensic Science:

The Year 9/10 Forensic Science class has been exploring various branches of the field in the first weeks of this term. They discovered the importance of bugs in forensic investigations through their study of Entomology and enjoyed stepping into the shoes of Forensic Toxicologists to solve a mock crime.

Reminders and Events:

Science Tutoring

Don’t forget, Science tutoring is available on Monday and Wednesday during Break 2 in S8. Whether you need help with classwork, homework, or assessments, we  are here to assist you.

National Science Week

Mark your calendars for National Science Week in Week 6! This year’s theme is “Species Survival – More Than Just Sustainability.” It aims to highlight the crucial role of science and innovation in ensuring the survival and thriving of various species in our ever-changing world. We’ll have a range of displays and activities to celebrate this theme, so stay tuned for more details.

Let’s make this term a memorable and enriching experience for all our students. Welcome back and let’s dive into the wonders of Science!

Father’s Day Stall

Bayside is hosting our annual Father’s Day Stall on Thursday, August 29th. Some wonderful gifts will be available to purchase, with prices starting at as little as $1! Gift bags will be available for purchase, or students can take advantage of our free gift wrapping service. Primary school classes will attend with their teacher during class time, and senior school students are invited to attend during break times. We are looking forward to seeing you there!

Sunshine Kindy

Last week, the children couldn’t resist the temptation of my spaghetti bolognaise! Many of them were eager to have a taste, and I had to guard my lunch from little fingers trying to sneak a bite. In the spirit of sharing and to satisfy their curiosity, we cooked our very own spaghetti bolognaise together as a group.

Our cooking session was a huge success! The children were excited to help with each step of the process, from cutting the vegetables to mixing the pasta and sauce. They learned how to follow simple instructions and to be patient while waiting for their turn. The highlight was watching them enjoy bowl after bowl of “Kindy-made” spaghetti bolognaise.

Miss Jess

Prep Q and T News

We have well and truly hit the ground running this Term! Our Bayside Preppies have been extremely busy!

We have been exploring a variety of non-fiction texts and have discussed what makes a text non-fiction. Students are aware that non-fiction texts contain information about a variety of topics. This term we are diving deep into learning about under water animals. We have written several informative sentences about fish and seahorses. These sentences include the appearance, habitat and diet of each of these animals.

To link in with our under the sea theme, Preppies have identified things that are living and non-living. They understand that living things grow and change, they move, they need food, water and air to survive, and they can produce more of themselves. To extend upon our living things, Preppies have discovered how farms provide us with many products we use or eat each day. We discovered the production process of milk and looked at how diary can come in many forms. We had a huge amount of fun making our own butter and using this to then make fairy bread! Absolutely delicious!

1 Samuel 16:7 ‘People look at the outside of a person. But the Lord looks at the heart’.

Preppies created a beautiful heart magnifying glass which demonstrates how God always looks at what we are like on the inside, how we treat others and ourselves and how we display our love and devotion to the Lord. Something beautiful to remember.

Patterns, patterns, patterns! Preppies have explored patterns this term and have discovered that the core of a pattern must repeat itself three times or more. We also discussed there can be various sequences for patterns like ABABAB, AABAABAAB, ABCABCABC and even ABBAABBA. So many colours, so many shapes, so many patterns.

A busy yet enjoyable term so far!

1Q News

In 1Q we have been busy working on fine tuning our Maths skills. Our young mathematician’s have been working on adding and subtracting numbers in a variety of ways. They have been learning about place value and problem solving strategies.

We love integrating technology wherever we can and it’s so fun to use in Maths! To solidify some of our skills, we created a book on Book Creator that showcased our understanding of each Maths skill. We used hands on materials to model solving problems in a variety of ways. We then shared our books with each other and received feedback for our work!

1T News

This term in Year 1 we have been very busy. We have been learning about making comparisons in stories and character descriptions. We have dissected sentences and learnt in depth about nouns, verbs, and adjectives. In Math’s we are growing our number skills by counting up to 150 and learning new strategies for addition and subtraction. In HaSS we are learning about landscapes. Science is fun with Biological sciences learning about living things. We have started to grow some beans. Come and look outside our classroom to see how they are doing!

Last week we had a visit from the Fire Fighters to come and teach us about fire safety. This week they will be showing us their fire truck. We are very excited about this and can’t wait! The students have been working on their writing this term and their progress is very impressive. I am very proud of all the progress the students have made this year.

Steve Renouf Cup

On Friday, July 19th, the Year 6 Barracudas had the opportunity to compete in the Steve Renouf Cup against Victory College from Gympie. The students were eager and excited to showcase their skills on the field and advance to the next stage of the competition. After a hard-fought match, the Bayside Barracudas emerged victorious and secured their spot in the Wide Bay final.

What truly stood out during this event was not just the students’ athletic abilities, but their exceptional sportsmanship and camaraderie. As the secondary school Barracudas gathered to support their younger peers, they went above and beyond to show their support. Cheering loudly and even forming a tunnel for the opposing team to run through, they exemplified what it means to be gracious competitors and supportive teammates.

The display of sportsmanship and dedication from both the Year 6 and secondary school students was truly heartwarming and inspiring. It is moments like these that remind us of the importance of teamwork, respect, and unity in sports. The Bayside Barracudas have not only showcased their talent on the field, but also their character and integrity off the field.

As they prepare for the Wide Bay final, the Bayside Barracuda can hold their heads high knowing that they have not only excelled in their sport but have also embodied the true spirit of sportsmanship. Congratulations to the Bayside Barracudas for their outstanding performance and sportsmanship. Go Barracudas!

News from the Maths Department

Maximising Your Study Potential

As we settle into Week 4 of our 10-week term, it’s the perfect time to establish strong study habits that will set you up for success. Although exams might seem far off, the foundation you build now will pay dividends when the time comes. At our college, we are fortunate to have access to Cambridge Go, a comprehensive online resource for students in Years 7 to 10. Using resources effectively at home and during study sessions can make a significant difference in your understanding and performance.

Why Use Resources?

  1. Enhanced Understanding: Sometimes classroom lessons might not be enough to fully grasp certain concepts. Using Cambridge Go can provide different explanations and perspectives that might help you to understand the topic.
  2. Practice Improves Performance: Maths is a subject that benefits greatly from practice. The more problems you solve, the more familiar you become with different types of questions. Cambridge Go offers a plethora of practice questions and exercises that can help reinforce what you’ve learned.
  3. Variety of Materials: Cambridge Go includes videos, interactive activities, and practice tests that cater to different learning styles. Whether you prefer visual aids or hands-on practice, there’s something for everyone.
  4. Preparation for Exams: Regular use of these resources can help you stay ahead of the curriculum and reduce the stress when exam time arrives. By consistently reviewing and practicing, you can build a solid foundation and boost your confidence.

Preparing for a maths exam requires dedication, practice, and the smart use of resources. Cambridge Go is an excellent tool that can enhance your learning experience and help you achieve your academic goals. By incorporating it into your study routine, you can make your preparation more effective and boost your confidence on exam day.

Remember, the effort students put in now will pay off in the future.

AMC Maths Competition

We have 30+ competitors this year.  It will be held on Wed 7 August between 8:45am and 2pm.  Times to be confirmed closer to the time.  Primary divisions have 60 minutes to complete the online questions and secondary have 75 minutes. You can find some practice questions on the website: We wish all competitors the best of luck.

News From Maths Classes

Mrs Noela Ensbey

Our Year Seven students have embarked on an exciting mathematical journey, becoming familiar with the world of Algebra. This new chapter has been both enjoyable and challenging as they learn to translate everyday occurrences into mathematical expressions involving numbers and variables.

Algebra is more than just a set of abstract concepts; it’s a powerful tool that allows us to represent and solve real-world problems. Our students are discovering how to convert everyday situations into algebraic expressions and equations, helping them to see the relevance of Mathematics in their daily lives.

The process of learning Algebra involves not only understanding new concepts but also developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Our students are embracing these challenges with enthusiasm and curiosity, and their hard work is beginning to pay off as they grow more confident in their algebraic abilities.

We look forward to seeing how these young mathematicians continue to develop their skills and apply their knowledge in new and exciting ways.

Our Year Eleven Mathematical Methods class is diving deep into the fascinating area of Calculus. Concepts such as limits, gradients, maximums, minimums, and points of inflection are becoming everyday terms as students apply Mathematics to solve real-world problems.

Calculus is a cornerstone of advanced Mathematics, providing powerful tools for understanding and modelling change. Our students are learning how to analyse functions and their behaviour, finding practical applications in fields ranging from Physics and Engineering to Economics and Biology.

It’s inspiring to see our students embrace these challenging concepts with enthusiasm and curiosity. Their dedication and hard work are evident as they develop a deeper understanding of the mathematical principles that shape our world. Our Mathematical Methods students are heading towards the conclusion of their Year Eleven Unit 2 topics and are building a solid foundation for their Year Twelve studies.

Mr Harry Monteith

Year 10 Essential Math

We started this term by diving into the world of probability. Our students have been engaging with the concepts, and as you can see in the photos, they are demonstrating their understanding through some friendly competition. These games not only reinforced their understanding but also added an element of excitement and teamwork to the learning process.

Through these activities, students are honing their skills in calculating probabilities and understanding complex concepts like intersections, unions, and complements. By competing against each other, they are learning to think critically and solve problems efficiently—a key objective in mastering probability.

Mrs Tabbetha Sadler

Year 8 Maths: Equations, graphs and beyond

Understanding equations and graphs is not just about solving problems on paper; it’s about recognising how these mathematical concepts apply to real-life situations. For Year 8 students, grasping these ideas can make math more engaging and relevant. Students have learnt how to read graphs, for example they can now read weather forecasting, sports statistics, population growth. Equations in everyday life has been shown by looking at examples such as cooking and recipes, budgeting and shopping, distance and travel time.

Secondary Student Assessment: Key to Success

Student assessment is a crucial part of education, providing teachers with the means to evaluate a student’s abilities, skills, and knowledge across various subjects. Assessments help identify areas where students excel and areas that may require additional focus, ensuring a well-rounded education.

To best prepare for assessments, students should be organised and proactive. Knowing the dates, locations, and content of upcoming assessments allows students to manage their study time effectively and reduces last-minute stress. Effective preparation includes creating a study schedule, reviewing class notes, and seeking help on topics that are challenging.

All secondary assessment details are available on the student and parent portal. This resource provides comprehensive information about each assessment, including the criteria for success and specific requirements. By utilising the portal, students can gain a clear understanding of what is expected and how to achieve their best possible results.

Learning to be prepared and organised is a critical skill that extends beyond academics. It enables students to approach tasks methodically, manage their time efficiently, and produce high-quality work. Those who develop these skills are well-equipped to succeed not only in school but in their future careers and personal lives.

Students and parents should regularly check the assessment items on the portal. Collaborating to create a study plan can significantly enhance a student’s performance and ensure they are well-prepared for each assessment.

Bel France
Lead Head of Faculty

Year 7 Camp — Exciting Adventures Await at Splitters Farm!

From Monday, September 9th to Thursday, September 12th, Year 7 students will embark on an exciting adventure to Splitters Farm. This camp is designed to offer students a blend of fun, learning, and personal growth through a variety of activities and experiences.

During the camp, students will participate in various activities, including farm work, which involves hands-on tasks that teach responsibility and teamwork, and making damper, a fun and educational cooking experience connecting them with traditional Australian bushcraft. They will also engage in fishing, developing patience and skills in a relaxing outdoor setting, and team bonding activities designed to build trust, communication, and collaboration among peers. Additionally, students will enjoy go-kart riding, an exhilarating activity that combines fun with learning about safety and control. These activities, along with many more, aim to enrich the students’ camp experience and create lasting memories.

This camp is not only about having fun but also about building friendships, developing new skills, and creating lifelong memories. It provides an excellent opportunity for students to step out of their comfort zones, try new things, and grow both personally and socially.

Reminder: All Year 7 families are requested to return their medical forms to administration as soon as possible. Hard copies of the medical forms are available at the administration office for those who need them.