Principal’s Message
John 3: 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
What a beautiful message of Hope – nice and simple; God loves us and all we need to do is believe in Him and love Him back. The other important message in this, is what it does not say. John does not state that we need a perfect history or past, to have the most glorious future, and so here we know that regardless of our past, we can come to God, seek forgiveness, and live in Him and Him in us.
This concept of total forgiveness and endless, unconditional love is so foreign to us, because as people we do not offer such forgiveness or the unconditional love to others, that is offered to us by God. Wouldn’t it be wonderful, if our generosity extended to a complete forgiveness to all who act against us? Wouldn’t it not be wonderful if our relationships were defined by true and unconditional love? Would our world not be so significantly different?
In Matthew 22: 36-40, the Disciple asks:
36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’[a] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
If we took these two very simple laws:
- “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind”: and
- “Love your neighbour as yourself”.
then we would never act in a way that did not please God, nor would we forget that every thought, action, and deed should never betray the love He offers us. This would prevent us from making a great many mistakes. If we then, treated others as we want to be treated, our behaviour toward all others would represent the very best of humanity. These are such incredibly simple statements, but sadly, they are broadly elusive actions.
Just think about all the things that would disappear if we only lived by these laws:
- No more bullying;
- No crime;
- We would not hurt each other, nor be hurt;
- We would never allow a brother of sister to suffer or go without ….
We may not be able to convince all others to live by these laws, but it should not be difficult to expect this from every single person in our community. We are, after all, here because we believe in God, because we want to grow and be a part of a community which celebrates such faith, and because we wish to live our lives with a particular set of values.
Again, it sounds so simple to live life in this way, but in all reality it truly is. In fact Matthew 11: 30 even states “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light”. In this statement, Jesus is telling us to allow Him to place His own yoke on us, the way a farmer would put one on his livestock. This means giving Jesus’ control and letting Him direct our efforts. The work He has will not be difficult for us. Jesus wanted His people to learn from Him, and to see that unlike the Pharisees, Jesus insists that He is gentle.
Christ does not ask us to live a burdensome life, we have managed to create these complexities all on our own. He asks only two things:
- “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind”: and
- “Love your neighbour as yourself”.
As we go through the year ahead, we will undoubtedly face a great many challenges, and in those moments, we have the choice to love God and all others, or to walk away from this path. I pray that the roads ahead will be smooth, that His hands will be outstretched before us all to reduce the climb, and to keep us steady on our feet, but that when we stumble on the rocks, that we will remember God’s two instructions:
- “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind”: and
- “Love your neighbour as yourself”.
Let us choose to uplift each other, choose to never speak a word in anger, nor to leave a moment of dispute without gentle resolution, and may we care for not only our own child, but for all others. Let us be the village so needed in a child’s life, the faithful of God committed to His children, and those who will in all things, seek celebration of His Glory and our service to Him.
The Bible is not some irrelevant ancient manuscript, but rather an eternally relevant set of teachings, enabling us to not only know of God but to know Him. May we all, wherever we are on our faith journey, take steadfast steps towards Him in 2025.
Yours in Christ,
Brian Grimes

Bayside Christian College Prayer Chain
Would you like to pray for our College, our community, our families or our students? Can you intercede for others? Can you seek a prayer that they may be unable to offer? Prayer can be deeply personal and is a time when you are alone with God. It is a time to seek His help, a time to thank Him for our blessings, and time to understand his will for our lives and ultimately to be in relationship with Him.
If you would like to join our Prayer Chain, please reach out to our Chaplains on email chaplain@bayside.qld.edu.au to let them know you would like to join the Prayer Chain.
Please help us fortify, strengthen, and uplift each other in prayer.
Deputy Principal’s Report
A very warm welcome back to all our students and families as we begin the 2025 school year! A new year brings the joy of new students, new families, and new staff members joining our College community, and we are very pleased to welcome you all.
It has been wonderful to hear students share their holiday stories and to see their excitement about their teachers and classes this year. As we welcome 2025, we have plenty to look forward to and so much to be truly thankful for.
With the start of the new school year, I would like to draw your attention to our updated Uniform and Appearance Policy. We kindly ask our community for your support in ensuring our students maintain the highest standard of presentation, reflecting the values of our College. The policy is now available on Parent Lounge under School Links – College Policies. We truly appreciate your partnership in ensuring our students are always well-presented and respectful every day.

First Day for our 2025 Prep Students – Our Bayside Beginners!
What an exciting morning it was as we welcomed our 2025 Prep students to their first day of big school! They had a fantastic time settling in, learning classroom routines, and discovering what it means to be a Bayside Beginner.
Mr Brian Grimes and I were delighted to visit the Prep classroom, where we were greeted with handmade crowns and we listened to their adventure of finding the Green Sheep! It was truly a special moment to share in their excitement.
This year, before our Prep students started, we launched The Bayside Beginners Data Collection Process. This initiative involves a series of activities designed to assess students as they begin their Preparatory year at Bayside Christian College.
The Bayside Beginners Assessment gathers valuable entry data, providing teachers with a clear baseline of each child’s knowledge, skills, and abilities. This helps educators:
- Understand each student’s starting point
- Personalise teaching strategies
- Set realistic learning goals
- Track progress throughout the year
- Identify early support needs to ensure every child thrives
We are excited to start this learning journey with our Bayside Beginners and look forward to seeing them grow and flourish throughout the year!

Safer Internet Day – Cybernetic Shield Evening Launch
Join us on Tuesday 11 February, at 6:00PM in our Chapel for the official launch of our partnership with Cybernetic Shield, in conjunction with Safer Internet Day. Stay afterward to enjoy refreshments and connect with our community.
Throughout the day, students will engage in interactive activities that promote safe and responsible online behaviour, empowering them to navigate the digital world with confidence.
There’s no doubt that technology has greatly enhanced our lives, but by placing it the hands of our children, we have unintentionally exposed them to dangers that we would never have expected. They live in a world full of cyberbullying, sexting, doxing, identity theft, hardcore pornography, sextortion and radicalisation. Three children in Australia are taking their lives every week in response to cyberbullying.
Cybernetic Shield is an online safety and digital wellness company that will help to keep our children and staff safer online. Their 5 Shield safety solution is both proactive and reactive, integrating 5 disciplines – tech/risk management, education, psychology, investigation and a world first insurance policy to provide schools and their students with greater levels of support and security 24/7, all year round.
The Cybernetic Shield solution includes an app and Cyber Incident Helpline which will allow students to report any incidents immediately and obtain guidance and support in how to handle the situation.
Please join us for this exciting evening launch! Click on the link below to book your free seats!

You’re Invited: Open Classrooms Event!
We are excited to invite you to our upcoming Open Classrooms event on Wednesday 5 February. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and explore their classroom environment.
To accommodate different schedules, we are offering two sessions:
- First Session: 3:30 PM
- Second Session: 4:45 PM
Both sessions will cover the same information, so you only need to attend one. This flexibility is designed to support parents who work, those with multiple children at the College, and families who prefer a single trip.
During the sessions, we will discuss key topics such as daily routines and more.
We encourage all parents to attend and see where your child spends their day. No registration or RSVP is required — just come along and join us for this informative and community welcoming event.
We look forward to seeing you!
Upcoming Key Dates — Term 1
As you plan for the term ahead, here are some important upcoming dates. You can also find these on Parent Lounge under the Calendar tab.
- Tuesday 5 February 3:30pm and 4:45pm – Open Classrooms (Prep–Year 7) – Meet the Teacher
- Tuesday 11 February – Safer Internet Day & Cybernetic Shield Evening Launch
- Friday 28 February – Senior School Swimming Carnival
- Saturday 8 March – Men’s Breakfast
- Monday 10 March 6:30 PM – Community Chapel Service at Hervey Bay Baptist Church
- Saturday 29 March – Family BBQ Afternoon
- Wednesday 2 April – College Free Dress Day for Charity
- Thursday 3 April – Cross Country (5–9-Year-Old Students)
- Friday 4 April – Cross Country (10–18-Year-Old Students), Easter Chapel Service & Grandparents and Special Friends Day
We look forward to sharing these special events with you!
May all our students and families enjoy a wonderful 2025 with us. May we be united by our love for our children and the love of Christ that bonds our Bayside community.
Ephesians 4:2-3: “With all lowliness and humility, with patience, bearing one another in love, being eager to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”
Apostle Paul reminds us to have hearts of acceptance and compassion towards others, embracing those who may struggle or differ from us.
May God watch over us and continue to guide us as a community grounded in peace.
Edelle Broadhurst
Deputy Principal
News from 2Q
Welcome Back!
We have had a fantastic start to the year in Year 2, settling into our daily routines and getting to know each other. A big welcome to our eight new friends who have joined our class, they are already becoming a wonderful part of our Bayside family! We have been focusing on kindness and supporting one another, creating a positive and encouraging learning environment. This week, we read The Beautiful Oops and discussed how mistakes are an important part of learning because they show that we are trying. Our class is also working hard to fill up our reward jar with dinosaurs, which will help us earn our very own Desk Pet to care for throughout the year. We are so excited for the journey ahead and cannot wait to see all the amazing things we achieve together.
Mrs Emma Davis

Head of Junior School Welcome
Welcome back to the new school year! I hope all our families had a restful and enjoyable summer holiday filled with quality time with loved ones. I am sure your children are excited to return to school and share their holiday stories with teachers and classmates. We look forward to hearing about their adventures.
This Wednesday, parents and caregivers are invited to drop in, see their child’s classroom, and meet the teacher. Short information sessions via PowerPoint will be presented at 3:30 and 4:45. You are welcome to drop in anytime between these sessions if that suits you better. While you may miss the presentations, you can still catch up in class. This is an optional and informal event, with no activities or lessons planned. Students can accompany their parents, but it is not necessary as the focus will be on information for parents and caregivers.
During the holidays, children often spend more time on devices. It is now time to reduce screen time to prepare them for the concentration and engagement required at school. Gradually reducing screen time over the week will make the transition easier than going from a lot of screen time to none overnight. While students may not like this reduction, it will help them be ready for school.
Similarly, bedtimes are often extended during the holidays. Returning to regular term-time routines will significantly help children cope with their first week of school when they will be very tired. Students will likely be excited on a Sunday night, so I suggest getting school sleep routines in place well before the weekend for the best start to the school week.
We have a new uniform policy with a few small changes. All students have this week as a grace period, but starting Monday, we expect all students to wear the correct uniform.
According to our guidelines, hairstyles should be appropriate and conservative. ‘Mullet’ style haircuts and close shaving the sides to create a mohawk look are not considered conservative. Addressing these hairstyles with parents and students can be awkward, so I thank parents in advance for supporting the College’s standards. Only school-coloured hair accessories are permitted, and jewellery are limited. You can find all these details on our website under the uniform policy.
Our staff is very much looking forward to having our students back for Term 1 and the rest of the year. I love seeing all the smiling faces in the morning. Teaching is not just about imparting knowledge; it’s about inspiring and guiding students to discover their potential. As the renowned educator William Arthur Ward once said, “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”
This perspective reminds us that the true essence of teaching lies in the ability to ignite a passion for learning in our students.
Mrs Amanda Mulder
Head of Junior School
Senior School Coordinator Welcome
Welcome to 2025 at Bayside Christian College!
I would like to extend a warm welcome to all our students and families, especially our newest members of senior school, our Year 7s. Transitioning into secondary school is a big milestone, and it’s been fantastic to see our Year 7 students embracing this new chapter with such positivity.
To help our Year 7 families connect and feel part of the community, we’ve extended the Open Classrooms event to include them this year. We invite you to join us on Wednesday, February 5, at either 3:30 pm or 4:45 pm to meet our wonderful Year 7 teachers for 2025.
Our Year 8 students have settled into their new learning spaces in C1 and C3, and we’re also excited to welcome two new homeroom teachers to Year 8, Mrs. Sadler and Mr. Clancy-Jones. Their experience and passion will undoubtedly enrich our students’ learning and pastoral care.
We’re blessed to start the year with a refreshed S Block. Over the break, it received a fresh coat of paint, new pinboards in all rooms, and brand-new carpet in S2 and S4. These improvements have created a bright and welcoming learning environment, and we’re incredibly grateful to our maintenance team for their hard work.
Year 9 students are making great use of their brand-new lockers in S Block. With their larger capacity and convenient location, I’m sure the students are appreciating the upgrade.
Students have also received their IT devices, which are college-issued and intended for educational purposes only. A reminder to all that students and parents have signed an IT agreement, and we expect these devices to be used responsibly in line with school policies.
Additionally, our Uniform and Appearance Policy has been updated, and I encourage all families to become familiar with its requirements. Homeroom teachers may follow up with students and parents if any uniform matters need attention. Families can access the full policy on Parent Lounge for reference.
The beginning of a new school year is always filled with fresh opportunities for growth, learning, and connection. I encourage all students to embrace the challenges ahead, support one another, and make the most of the many experiences that secondary school has to offer.
This week, Pastor Tim Eyechen challenged the staff with important questions:
Are you going to survive or thrive in 2025? What are you going to do to make this year your year? Will it be the year you try something new? Are you going to make a conscious effort to stay on top of your schoolwork or procrastinate less?
Whatever it may be, I encourage all of us to reflect on this question, will we simply get through the year, or will we truly thrive?
Here’s to a fantastic year ahead!
Emily Taylor
Senior School Coordinator
Welcome back to another year of Choir!
We are very excited to announce that Choir is returning Week 3 Monday (10th of February) at 8am in M1.
Choir is open for all students at Bayside. Whether you have lots of singing experience or are new to singing, we welcome you to join us.
We look forward to seeing all students who are interested in singing. We can’t wait to welcome back our Bayside choir members and invite our new members to join us. No previous choir experience is needed, just your enthusiasm to sing and a smile.
We look forward to seeing you Week 3 Monday.
Thank you
Ms Cirillo and Tamara
4Q Classroom News
What a fantastic start to the year we’ve had in 4Q! We’ve spent the first few weeks getting to know one another, including welcoming five new classmates into our community. Together, we have collaboratively developed our classroom agreement, ensuring that our learning space is respectful, supportive, and inclusive. We have also recorded our hopes and wishes for Year 4, setting a positive tone for the year ahead.
Team building has been a major focus as we tackled problem-solving survival scenarios, such as being lost at sea or trapped in a cave. These challenges encouraged us to think critically, work together, and communicate effectively—skills we will continue to develop throughout the year. Students even had the opportunity to present their survival plans to their peers, fostering confidence and collaboration.
Looking ahead, we have an exciting term planned! In Science, we will explore physical forces; in English, we’ll dive into poetic devices and poetry analysis. In HASS, we will investigate the Age of Exploration, colonisation, and its impact on Aboriginal Australians. While Maths will see us mastering multiplication facts, working with place values up to 100,000, and exploring decimal places to the hundredths. Another highlight has been the arrival of our laptops, which has sparked great excitement! We have already begun learning about online safety and responsible technology use.
Since day one, we have embraced a theme of gratitude, taking time to reflect on the people, experiences, and personal attributes we appreciate. It has been a busy and inspiring start to the year, and we look forward to all the learning and growth ahead!