Principal’s Message

There are a great many times in which I see difficulty in my daily role, and if being honest, in life in general. The concern I have for the world’s stability and what it means for us as a people, for the growing disparity found in people of all nations, for the rapid departure from Christian values I see in almost every aspect of life, the growing sense of greed, self-proclamation, and entitlement I see in so many people, and behaviours that can only be described as an attack on faith.

On Sunday, I was given cause to re-think my focus following a truly special Sermon from Guest Preacher, Dennis Bryant. He spoke of many things, but I was drawn to his discussion on a single black dot being placed on a white canvas and his questioning on what we saw. My answer, as was most people’s thoughts I suspect … A block dot. Dennis was then quick to state that we were focussing on the smallest aspect of the canvas and that the rest of the canvas was clean and untouched.

He drew the comparison of this image with our focus on life. Do we see the negative or do we see the many wonders and gifts all around us? If we focus on the negatives, then that is all we see. It draws us in, makes us believe that everything is going wrong, it detracts from hope and positivity, and affects our behaviour, our responses, and our demeanours.

Dennis charged us with focussing on the positives in life. He reinforced that while we will never understand the reasoning, all that happens in this world, does so because God allows which he could otherwise prevent through his power. This can be hard to understand and at times I truly believe such reasoning is simply beyond our comprehension. This is where we must have faith. Does God give us courage or the ability to display courage? Do he make us show forgiveness or the opportunity to forgive?

It is interesting to note that in times when I am doing well, in times of positivity, good fortune or blessing, I do not thank God nearly as well or as often as I should. In contrast, I reach out constantly to seek help in times of challenge. If this is common, then maybe God is giving us the environmental conditions to remind us that He is there, to beckon us into a relationship with him?

Dennis finally spoke of the Monarch butterfly — its stunning colours and beauty. He told a story of a man witnessing a young butterfly struggling in the cocoon for freedom. The man wanted to help the butterfly and gently released it from its cocoon, to reveal a rather dull and colourless butterfly. In this we are told that it is the struggle, that develops the structural components that enable the beautiful colours of the butterfly.

The lesson in this is that the struggles of life will always be with us. They help shape who we are. We can also choose to focus on them, and make them our sole reality or we can choose to look at the many gifts and good fortune we have also been given. We can choose to view the inescapable challenges as opportunities to grow, to develop ourselves, and to develop relationships with those who can assist us — to bring us into genuine community.

As for our relationship with God, we should pray to God in the good times and the bad, we should not wait until we are down before seeking a relationship with Him. He has given us more things to be thankful for than what we so often see.

A truly wonderful message from Dennis and one of the most impactive Sermons I have experienced.

Brian Grimes

Canteen Progress

With much anticipation, the new school canteen was delivered and then craned into position last week. Services will need to be connected and food equipment installed. The inaugural canteen opening is getting closer! Stay tuned for the official opening date.

Year 6 Fitness Dance

The Year 6 classes have been learning about the eleven components of fitness this term in Health. Both classes learnt a dance to display some of these physical components including agility, reaction time, balance and especially co-ordination. They used the song Dynamite by Taio Cruz. Please enjoy.

School Captains’ Breakfast

Jessie Etherington and Mackenzie Armstrong attended the Term 2 Hervey Bay School Captain’s Breakfast on Wednesday 24th May.

Jessie has recorded a reflection about the experience. She writes, Captain’s Breakfasts are a wonderful opportunity to connect with peers who are in the same position as you but have different insights, and also a very exciting opportunity to connect with the local council members.

Listening to Darren and Adam was invaluable. They had so much wisdom to share from their positions in the local council. And they were very passionate on making change for the youth in the region.

The students were asked three big questions, relating to the Hervey Bay region:

  1. What is your favourite thing about Hervey Bay?
  2. What is your least favourite thing about Hervey Bay?
  3. If you could change build or do anything in Hervey Bay, what would it be?

The conversations definitely provided opportunities to better your own leadership skills, with this breakfast focusing on to be confident and to speak up. Observing a variety of opinions and thoughts that the other Captains had were also a highlight.

National Simultaneous Storytime

National Simultaneous Storytime

National Simultaneous Storytime is in its 23rd big year! On this special day, students and teachers all read the same book, fostering a sense of community and excitement around reading. It’s the perfect way to get your kids excited about books and learning!

Almost 2.2 million readers participated last year. Mrs Magrin, our Teacher Librarian, read The Speedy Sloth which was live video streamed to our Prep to Year 6 classes. You can view the video which will be released as a Bayside Bedtimes story. See below.

State of Origin poster

Win Pizza!

It’s that time of year again when State of Origin Rugby League fever hits Queensland and NSW. We are running a competition where you have a chance to win $50 worth of pizza for one of the three game nights. To enter, send a photograph of your family dressed in either The Maroons or The Blues supporters’ gear. Pizza will be delivered by a College Executive before the game on game night. You have three chances to win. Winners will be chosen at random. See full Ts & Cs on the entry form. Click here to enter:

Get your photos in now! First game is next Wednesday 31 May.

Jersey Day at the college will be held for two of the games days: Wednesday 31 May, and Wednesday 12 July (the game on Wednesday 21 June being school holiday). Note: this is not free dress, school uniform to be worn with a jersey.

Hervey Bay OzTag

Bayside have put a team into the Hervey Bay OzTag Schools competition and on Wednesday we played our first match. A mixed Year 5 and 6 OzTag team played against Star of The Sea Year 5s and won 5 tries to 2. Congratulations must go to the team playing so well, being committed and for their first win. This Wednesday sees them play their second match. We wish them all the best for that.

OzTag team

Winter Uniform Sale

We have some uniform items at reduced prices. Get in quick! See the graphic below.

House Shirts For Sale
Winter Uniform Accessories
Prep Open Day

Prep Open Day

You’re invited to our Prep Open Day, 10 July 2023. Click the link to RSVP and register online:

Register for Prep Open Day

Sunshine Kindy

“Mothers hold their children’s hands for such a little while, but they hold their hearts forever.”

On Tuesday 16 May, Sunshine Kindy honoured our Mums, Nannas, Grandmas and special female carers with a night to enjoy some special time together.

Children had the opportunity to paint nails and massage lotion into Mum’s/Nanna/Grandma’s hands, paint plaster hearts and flowers with metallic paint, make paper crowns with beautiful gems, play with our beautiful pink glittery playdough and use drill sets.


Seussical Jr. COSTUME DEPARTMENT – Year 11 Fashion students and Mrs Connell

Bayside Christian College will be presenting Seussical the Musical Jr in Term 3. At this stage our Fashion class are busy taking measurements and designing costumes. If anyone has any of the following items, they would be greatly received and put to good use.

Feather boas of any colour, large feathers, old sheets, doona cover’s that could be cut up, bright colourful balls of wool, leftover cotton fabrics in plain colours, any bias binding, ric-rac or ribbon in bright colours.

We would also love some help with the sewing of the costumes on a Tuesday afternoon in Term 3. Please contact Mrs Connell if you would like to assist. Cut out unsewn costumes may be sent home to be completed if this is preferable.

Weekly Scripture
Bumper sticker promo logo

Bumper Sticker Winner!

Congratulations to our bumper sticker winner, Jason, seen by one of our spotters. The college will be in contact with you to present your prize of a $100 dinner voucher at Café Balaena!

To be in the running for this fabulous prize, grab a sticker from admin – you may be the next winner!

Year 7 Engineering

This week in Year 7 Engineering, students were tasked with designing and creating a prosthetic hand that was able to pick up a soft drink can. They had a lot of fun and came up with some very interesting and creative designs.

Year 7 STEAM

This term students in Year 7 STEAM have been designing dioramas to depict a scene from a Dreamtime story. This week students began creating their dioramas.

Year 7 Science

Year 7 science students had fun learning how to use dissecting microscopes this week. They dissected angiosperm plants and investigated their internal structures.

Year 7 science students are studying the classification of living things. Students were excited to use our new microscopes to examine a wide range of microscopic organisms and cells.

Year 8 Food Technology

Year 8 Food Technology students enjoyed making burgers this week.

Year 8 STEAM

This term Year 8 STEAM students have been tasked with designing a creating a marble roller coaster. This week students have started creating their roller coasters with some very interesting and unique designs.

Meet the 2023 Students Leaders